monthly membership

Monthly membership cost is $140, this equals $175 credit (20% discount) banked in your account, never expires, and can be used towards any of our services. You’ll also have access to member exclusive discounts and offers.

  • Semaglutide - Weight loss program

    $350 - 4 week treatment

    $600 - 8 week treatment

    Call or text (801)669-2127 for more information

  • Basic IV hydration


    Ingredients: 1 liter Lactated Ringers

  • Myers Cocktail

    $175-Regular or $250-Mega

    Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B12, Glutathione (IV push), Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium (6)

    Benefits: Overall wellness, immunity boosting, preventative therapy for cold and flu season, reduction of fatigue, sports performance enhancement, hangover remedy

    Overview: The “Gold Standard” for delivering intravenous vitamins and minerals directly to your bloodstream. Dr. John Myers pioneered this use of intravenous nutrient therapy in the 1960’s. This high dose formula is bound to put a pep in your step!

  • NAD+

    $220-Regular or $395-Mega

    Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers, NAD+, Taurine

    Benefits: Improve mental clarity, increase alertness, boost concentration & memory, combat jet lag & sleep deprivation, stimulates cell regeneration, enhanced cognitive processing

    Overview: NAD+ Nicotine Adenine Dinucleotide occur naturally in the body. They play a major role in the chemical process generating energy and as we age, our production of NAD+ decreases. Used by celebrities for years, NAD+ helps your body detox damaged cells and regenerate newer-healthier cells.

    Note: This infusion must run for about 2 hours (for the regular) or 4 hours (for the mega), please plan accordingly.

  • NAD+ and Myers combo


    Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers, NAD+, Taurine, Vitamin C, Magnesium, B-Complex, B-12, Zinc, Glutathione

    Benefits: Combined benefits of both the NAD+ and Myers cocktail

    Overview: This infusion is the best of the best providing all of the hydration and nutrients from both the NAD and Myers cocktail.

    Note: This infusion must run for about 2 hours (250 mg) or 4 hours (500 mg), please plan accordingly.

  • Skinny drip


    Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers, Vitamin B-Complex, Tri-Amino Blend, B-12, Taurine + Lipo-B (IM injection)

    Benefits: Promotes weight loss and fat burning, boosts energy

    Overview: Accelerate your weight loss with this fat-blasting therapy that will help your body increase energy and burn fat! These lipotropic compounds encourage the body to break down fat stores, mobilizing them into your bloodstream to be used for energy.

  • Recovery drip


    Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline, B-Complex, Anti-nausea (Zofran), Anti-inflammatory (Toradol) (3)

    Benefits: Speed up recovery process, hangover remedy

    Overview: Get instant hangover relief with one full liter of hydration, B vitamins, and our mixture of anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory to get you back on your feet!

  • Beauty drip


    Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers, Vitamin C, Biotin, Vitamin B-Complex, Glutathione (IV push) (4)

    Benefits: Anti-aging, healthy hair, nails, and skin, fights acne, wrinkle relief, immunity boosting, boosts energy

    Overview: This formula is perfect for fighting acne, wrinkles, and tired skin from the inside out.

  • Migraine drip


    Ingredients: 1 Liter Normal Saline, Anti-inflammatory (Toradol), Anti-nausea (Zofran), Magnesium

    Benefits: Migraine treatment

    Overview: Many migraines can be attributed to inadequate hydration. This drip is tailored specifically to ease the symptoms of migraine headache and provide immediate hydration.